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A collection of resources and thoughts about teaching, learning, working, and researching in higher education
Does VIU need a policy on academic freedom?
Published August, 2023 by Dr. Kathleen Bortolin and Dr. Mark Blackell Introduction Academic freedom is the freedom of members of the...
Job Posting: VIU Research Assistants
*Update: The positions have been filled. Thank you for all the shares! I am a VIU instructor/researcher, and have grant funding to hire...
Research Participants Sought: Investigating the Silencing of Women in Higher Education
Title: Sit down and shut up: the silencing of women in Canadian higher education Principal Investigator: Dr. Kathleen Bortolin, Faculty...
Consent form for review (interested participants to email kathleen.bortolin@viu.ca)
Consent Form and Invitation to Participate (a copy will be emailed to interested participants) Sit down and shut up: the silencing of...
How Teaching and Learning Centres Saved Higher Ed during Covid 19
By Kathleen Bortolin, PhD Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Specialist, Vancouver Island University Not that long ago, I ended up at a...