Bortolin, K. (2020). A Pedagogical Manifesto for the Upcoming Academic Year. University Affairs.
Bortolin, K. (2019). 10 days in Kenya: Building a Teaching and Learning Centre in Kisii County, Kenya, https://www.drbortolin.com/post/pedagogy-and-strategy-supporting-the-development-of-a-tlc-in-kisii-kenya
Bortolin, K. (2020). Embracing the Unknown: Why Online Postsecondary Study is Worth the Risk, Educause Review, https://er.educause.edu/blogs/2020/8/embracing-the-unknown-why-online-postsecondary-study-is-worth-the-risk
Bortolin, K (2020). How Teaching and Learning Centres Saved Higher Ed During Covid 10, https://www.drbortolin.com/post/how-teaching-and-learning-centres-saved-higher-ed-during-covid-19
Bortolin, K. (2018). The party that no one really wants to go to. University Affairs, November, 2018. https://www.universityaffairs.ca/opinion/in-my-opinion/sotl-the-party-that-no-one-really-wants-to-go-to/
Bortolin, K. (2018). Faculty developers as allies (not experts) in supporting Indigenous perspectives. University Affairs, January 30, 2018. https://www.universityaffairs.ca/opinion/in-my-opinion/faculty-developers-allies-not-experts-supporting-indigenous-perspectives/
Starr, L.J., & Bortolin, K.M. (2017). Going in and coming out: Understanding ourselves as Mama Scholars. In C. DeRoche & E. Berger (Eds), The Parent - Track: Timing, Balance and Choice within Academia. Waterloo, On: Wilfred Laurier Uiniversity Press
Paskvicious, M., & Bortolin, K. (2015). Blending our practice: using online and face-to-face methods to sustain
community among faculty in an extended length professional development program. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. October, 2015.
Bortolin, K. (2013). Community - based learning in teacher education: Toward a situated understanding of ESL learners (Doctoral Dissertation).
Bortolin, K. (2011). Serving ourselves: How the discourse on community-based engagement privileges the university over the community. The Michigan Journal of Community, Service Learning, 18(1).
Conferences/ Workshops/ Presentations
Bortolin, K., Armstrong, G., Lafreniere, S., LaMarre, S. & Shedletsky, F. (2021). Thriving in (pedagogical) Action: Using TiA learning strategies to inspire teaching practice. Learning Specialists Association of Canada: Connect, Include, Engage, Empower: Reinventing Learning Communities.
Bortolin, K. (2018). Engaging Students through Active Learning and Metacognition. North Island College Faculty Development Workshop, North Island College, Courtney. BC. (Invited Speaker).
Bortolin, K. et al. (2018). Engaging with truth and reconciliation: Thinking though the role of educational developers as allies in respond to the calls to action. Educational Developers Caucus Conference, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC. (peer-reviewed conference presentation).
Bortolin, K. and Stevenson, M. (2018). Re-tooling the trades: Leading large scale teaching and learning enhancement projects in the Faculty of Trades and Applied Technology. Educational Developers Caucus Conference, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC. (peer-reviewed conference presentation).
Bortolin, K. and Stevenson, M. (2018). Faculty as agents of change: Fostering leadership through a faculty council. Educational Developers Caucus Conference, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC. (peer-reviewed conference presentation).
Bortolin, K., Funk, M., & Vinden, S. (2018). Consulting with Care: Supporting Faculty Development and Program Enhancement through Collaborative, Relational Practice. BC Campus Festival of Learning: Celebrating Teaching & Learning in Higher Education, Vancouver, BC. (Peer-reviewed conference presentation)
Moore, A., Scow, S., Bortolin, K., & Funk, M., (2017). Indigenous Learning Circles for Faculty: Weaving New Ways of Learning across Classrooms. BC Campus Symposium 2017: Scholarly Teaching and Learning in Post-Secondary Education. (Peer-reviewed conference presentation).
Bortolin, K. (2017). Supporting Indigenous Epistemologies thorough Educational Development. Educational Developers Caucus (EDC), University of Guelph (Conference Presentation)
Bortolin, K. (2014). The off-campus classroom: Transforming learning experiences through community partnerships. Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) (Conference Presentation)
Bortolin, K. & Golparian, S. (2014). Collaborating across institutions: Crossing borders in educational development. Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) (Conference Presentation)
Bortolin, K. & Paskevicius, M. (2014). Reflections on using a blended format to design a new faculty scholars program. Higher Education Teaching and Learning (HETL) (Conference Presentation)
Bortolin, K., McFadgen, L., Hood, R.J., Reed, T.J., & Hendricks, M. (2014). Collaborating for collective impact: Community-engaged teaching, learning and research partnerships. CUVic:Beyond Engagement (Conference Presentation)
Bortolin, K. & Paskevicius, M. (2014). Blending our practice: Using online and face-to-face methods to engage faculty in a one year professional development program. Educational Developers Caucus (Conference Presentation)
Bortolin, K. & Hood, R.J. (2014). Cultivating a culture of engagement: Supporting community
engaged teaching, learning, and research through a community of practice. Educational Developers Caucus (Conference Presentation)
Bortolin, K. (2013). Building relationships and creating understanding: Community engagement in teacher education programs. Canadian Society for the Studies of Education (Conference Presentation)
Bortolin, K. (2012) Beyond the classroom: Challenging assumptions through community based learning in teacher education. Canadian Alliance of Community Service Learning Conference (CACSL 2012). University of Saskatchewan. Poster Presentation
Bortolin, K. (2012). Community-based learning: Toward a situated understanding of ESL learners. Congress 2012 (Canadian Society for the Studies in Education). University of Waterloo. Paper Presentation.
Bortolin, K (2012). Teaching English Abroad. Applied Linguistics Seminar Series. University of Victoria (Invited Speaker).
Bortolin, K. (2011). TESL workshop: Strategies and activities for engaging ESL learners in your classroom. Education Students’ Association (EDSA) education conference: Moving beyond the curriculum. University of Victoria (Invited Speaker).
Bortolin, K. (2011). Community-based learning and ESL. Applied Linguistics Seminar Series. University of Victoria. (Invited Speaker)
Bortolin, K. (2011). Incorporating Community-based Learning at the English Language Centre. Professional Development Conference University of Victoria, English Language Centre. (Invited Speaker)
Bortolin, K. (2008). Internet Savvy: Using Internet-based Resources in the ESL Classroom. Professional Development Conference, English Language Centre, University of Victoria. (Invited Speaker)
Bortolin, K. (2008). Using Blogs in the Second Language Classroom. TEAL Workshop 2008, Victoria, BC.
Bortolin, K. (2007). Using Blogs in the Second Language Classroom. Professional Development Conference, English Language Centre, University of Victoria. Plenary Speaker